Our Stories

Dev is a young brown-skinned man with short black hair and a light blue shirt on. He is stood in front of Westminster with a serious expression on his face and is holding up a protest sign that reads ‘we’re biting back’

We’d #AdEnough , and so we changed the law!

Dev shares his story about campaigning against junk food ads that led to the restrictions being passed by the Government in 2021.

Does Your School Food Pass The Test?

Get the low-down on school food standards, and use our handy guide to find out if your school food fits the standard!

A group of young people sat outside on a bench, with greenery in the background and gravel on the floor. They are holding their arms in the air and smiling, with victorious expressions on their faces.

Our First Big Campaign Win: Free School Meals 2020

We secured a big win for free school meals! In 2021, we campaigned for free school meals to be extended over the holidays.