Protest photo residential 2024
Derrin with a sign at the residential
Maya and Dev spray painting signs at Residential
Homepage 4 image block image 4 Westfield Billboard passers by

Let's Bite Back

From the moment we are born junk food has us surrounded.

Giant food companies flood our world with their products, then manipulate us using cute, colourful, clever marketing. They deceive us with packaging, and pump millions into making sure their junk-filled products are always in the spotlight. It’s constantly being forced down our throats. It’s the cultural wallpaper. It’s hidden in the small print.

Now, it’s endangering the health of a generation. The good news? It’s totally preventable. And we’re biting back.

Big Food: We Are Watching You

Residential 2024 Craftivism Molly and Alice

Our Fuel Us, Don’t Fool Us campaign shone a light on how 7 out of the top 10 food and drink companies make most of their profits from selling unhealthy food. But, it’s not just our health they’re impacting — they’re also damaging the health of the planet.

The total greenhouse gas emissions of the top 10, globally, are more than that of the entire UK! The power of the top 10 companies shouldn’t be left unchecked. We’re biting back, and you can too!

Sign our open letter to the top 10 today.

Our stories

A close up image of an attendee flicking through our climate report.


Our new report shows that the UK's Top 10 Food and Drink Manufacturers emit more greenhouse gases than the entire international aviation industry.